Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009 New Year's Message from CPB!

(Photo Above: Informal shot of Golden Age champ and film star Reg Park in a swimming pool).

Happy New Year to all you classic physique builders (CPB'ers) around the world! We hope 2009 will be a great year for you and one that brings you closer to your classic physique building goals.

We will do our best, at CPB Blog, to continue to promote the ideal of building a classic physique and living a healthy lifestyle by bringing you information and inspiration from the Golden Age of Classic Physique Building (the 1940s and 50s).

This year, in addition to bringing you our CPB Blog, we plan to put out our first issue of CPB Zine very soon - a do-it-yourself (maga) zine devoted entirely to building a classic physique. It will be patterned after the magazines of the Golden Age of Classic Physique Building. CPB Zine may, of course, cover some of the same topics as those that appear on the CPB Blog. However, those topics will be able to be developed more in depth in the Zine. Our first issue is nearing completion. Compared to today's mainstream bodybuilding mags, our zine will be small. But, over time, it will grow. It won't contain page after page of supplement ads, steroid-enhanced physiques, cars, tech gadgets, and other irrelevant items - just a lot of straight talk about building a classic physique and classic health. When our first issue is complete, we will announce it here on CPB Blog and let everyone know how they can get their free copy.

We also plan, this year, to make available our CPB Golden Age Muscle Building Courses - which will be patterned after and based on the courses that were available during the Golden Age. The beginners course will probably be offered first, followed by the intermediate and then advanced courses.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our polls. We will still keep them open. So if you haven't participated, please feel free to do so. Your response in these polls are very helpfult to us.

We encourage everyone to contribute constructive comments to CPB Blog about our post topics. You can post using your name, initials, alias, or "Anonymous" - whichever of these you choose is fine. But it would be great if you could let everyone know what country you are from. We hope that through our collective effort, and with your help, we can ignite classic physique building interest around the world!

We end our 2009 New Year's message with a photo of Reg Park's classic physique (see above). It is powerful, symmetrical, natural, radiating with health, inspiring and looks great! Who wouldn't want a physique like that? Let's let Reg and the other CPB champs of the Golden Age be our inspiration in 2009 as we follow their example in building a classic physique. If they could do it, so can we! Let's make this a really great year and get ever closer to our classic physique goals!

Happy New Year!



  1. How do we subscribe to your magazine? via email? or do you intend to upload it on the blog.

  2. Hi Pratik,

    It will be by email. When we announce that the first issue is ready to go out, then we will give out a special CPB email address. All you will have to do is send us an email at that address telling us you want to subscribe, and we will reply by sending you the issue.

    All email addresses will be kept strictly private - we will not release or sell them to anyone. We hate getting on junk mail lists (and we are not a typical commercial organization), so you won't have to worry about getting on any junk mail lists because of us!

    All the best,

