Monday, January 26, 2009

Classic Physique Champ Marvin Eder Interview!

(Above photo: Classic Physique Builder Marvin Eder - Mr. New York City, 1949; Mr Eastern America 1950)

One of our readers (Ibrahim) found a great interview with CPB Champ Marvin Eder at the following site: This is a great interview (conducted by David Robson) and gives you a glimpse of the Golden Age from Marvin's perspective.

Among the notable highlights of the interview, Marvin states that he also followed the 3 meal-a-day plan (and did not eat great quantities of food), took no steroids or even supplements, and trained heavy following a split system. He was one of the Golden Age champs who was also interested in Olympic style weightlifting and was known for his exceptional strength. Now, at age 75, he still does 500 crunches every morning! The interview is also notable for his clear disgust with steroids and what they have done to mainstream bodybuilding.

Thanks again to Ibrahim, and to all our readers who make valuable contributions to CPB Blog through their comments and info!

Enjoy the interview!



  1. No Problem!!!

    You share so much great stuff with your readers. I had to share it with the training fanatics or the people who are oldtime strongman & oldtime bodybuilding fans.
    Just a question:
    I think you know Bill Starr the author of "The strongest shall survive" . What do you think about the Monday heavy ; Wednesday light and Friday medium load training plan?

    When i´ll find something you can count on me that i´m gonna share it with you here.

    I´m looking forward to your posts!

  2. Hi Ibrahim,

    We think the Bill Starr heavy, light and medium plan utilizes a variation of the "muscle confusion principle" - which we will post on in the future.

    This (and other plans) may work for a while. But when your muscles adapt and the gains stop, then it is time to switch to another strategy/routine.

    All the best!

    - CPB

  3. Fantastic article. Very inspiring. Thanks.
