Thursday, February 5, 2009

Classic Physique Builder (CPB) Zine Premier Issue - Almost Ready!

(Photo Above: Steve Reeves on the cover of Classic Physique Builder Zine - Premier Issue)

Classic Physique Builder Zine is almost done! In response to the almost unanimous vote on our pole asking if you (CPB readers) would be interested in a free CPB zine - a do-it-yourself (maga)zine devoted to classic physique building, we have gone ahead and worked on the first issue. It is now nearing completion.

We are not professionals at this, so it really is a "zine," not a slick, true magazine like the mainstream muscle mags you can buy at the store. Being amateurs at this, we were inspired by Joe Weider, who at the age of 17, sat down with a rented typewriter, and pecked out (one finger at a time) his first issue of Your Physique magazine in the living room of his parents home. He wasn't a professional either. But he had the courage to do it and a lot of persistence, and before too long, Your Physique struck a chord and gained a following and the rest is history!

Although Joe is our inspiration for trying such a "do-it-yoursef endeavor," our motivation is this. We wanted to put together a Golden Age-type (maga)zine like those that existed in the 1940s and 50s such as Your Physique, Muscle Power, Muscle Builder, Strength and Health, Ironman, Mr. America, etc. Those magazines were filled with classic physique builders, training methods, nutrition advice, true inspiration - all before the days of steroids, drugs, and hormones! That kind of magazine doesn't exist anymore (and hasn't since 1959)! So instead of just wishing that someone would do one, we decided to take matters into our own hands (due to the positive inspiration of our CPB Blog readers) and do one ourselves!

Our first issue will be small (around 25-30 pages), but there will be no commercial advertisements of any kind (except a few for our CPB courses). We aren't taking money from anyone for ads - not even supplement companies. We feel this will allow us the freedom to "tell it like it is" from our point of view without worrying about offending advertisers or us having to push their products or appearing to endorse their products. We want to provide a clear contrast between us and the mainstream bodybuilding mags of today.

The articles in our first issue touch on the following subjects: Steve Reeves' Beginning Workout Routine, What is a Classic Physique?, Classic Physique Building Principles, The Golden Age of Classic Physique Building (a brief overview), Joe Weider, CPB Champions Hall of Fame - John Grimek, Steve [Reeves] versus Sergio [Oliva], CPB Champs George Eiferman and Clancy Ross, Nutrition Corner, Classic Muscle Movies, and more!

We have decided to start off slowly by making CPB zine a quarterly rather than bi-monthly zine. So for 2009, we plan to have a Winter issue (our premier issue), Spring, Summer, and Fall issues. If there is enough demand, then we will expand it into a bi-monthly zine and perhaps, one day, to a monthly.

How can you get a copy? When our premier issue is finalized and ready to email, we will announce it here on CPB Blog. We will set up a special email address for CPB zine. Then, all you have to do it send us an email saying that you would like to subscribe and then we will reply by emailing you a free pdf copy. That's it! You don't have to worry that we will sell your email address because we are not a commercial enterprize like that. We hate getting spam and don't want to be responsible for anyone getting spam because of us. So we think this arrangement will be easy for everyone and us.

So stay tuned! CPB Zine is almost here! (BTW, how could we not put Steve Reeves on the cover of the first issue!)




  1. i have been waiting for a magazine like this for a long time cant wait till its ready

  2. Man, i´m looking forward to it.

    I know this magazine will be legendary. I think this magazine will build a lot of classic physiques.


  3. great job guys... I am just waiting for it...

  4. Good!! Just that you're doing this is making history! It's a need. This will help those who may not realize that there is a more simple-straightforward way to build strength and muscle that really works! I'm waiting for my copy!:)

  5. Hi there,

    I'm really excited about this zine. I feel that you're bringing back what bodybuilding was supposed to be about and I am a proud member of that movement. I was wondering whether you could possible do an article (preferably in the blog, since I'm impatient) on some of the more endomorphic competitors of the golden age and possibly go over their routines to lower their bodyfat? I'd like to know their thoughts on diet and whether they did any cardio training. Looking at guys like Clancy Ross and Reg Park, they seem to display certain endomorphic traits and are a great inspiration of endomorphs like myself!

    Cheers for all the great work and keep going please!


  6. Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for your encouraging comments! They help to keep us inspired. We will be finishing the first issue soon and will keep you posted!

    Joe - our next post will address the topic you raise and will hopefully provide helpful insights for endomorphs. It will be just one glimpse from the Golden Age, but we think it will be helpful.

    All the best to everyone!

