Thursday, June 18, 2009

Classic Physique Builder (CPBzine) Summer 2009 Issue - Almost Ready!

(Photo above: Classic Physique Builder (CPBzine) Summer 2009 issue - vol. 1 no. 2)

The second issue of Classic Physique Builder (CPBzine) is almost ready! This is our Summer 2009 issue and it should be ready for distribution by this weekend (by June 21st). This issue has 32 pages (2 pages more than our premier issue) and some new features. Here is the table of contents:

Guidance for Beginners from Clancy Ross, Mr. America 1945
CPB Champions
Zabo's Stay Trim Diet!
Build Heroic Character with George Eiferman, Mr. America 1948
Peary Rader's "Squat Program" (for CPB Beginning Trainers)
Jack Delinger: The Modern Hercules
Questions and Answers
Nutrition Corner
The Classic Physique vs. the Hulk-Like Physique: Waist and Ab Size
What Gains Can You Expect from Golden Age Training
CPB Champions Hall of Fame: Steve Reeves
Classic Female Physiques
Arm Specialization: The Rader Way (for CPB Advanced Trainers)
What the Golden Age Champs Measured: Clancy Ross
Steve Reeves' Intermediate Routine (for CPB Intermediate Trainers)
Pictorial: John Grimek
Net Roundup: News from Here, There, and Everywhere
Golden Age Magazine Gallery

Although we think this issue is an improvement over the last one, we hope to keep improving CPBzine with each issue as we go along. Right now, we are doing the final proof reading and getting our email list together so that we are ready to distribute this weekend!

Although we offer our subscription to CPBzine as a "1 year, free subscription" - we hope to keep it free for as long as possible in order to give everyone access to our Classic Physique Building Movement - as a healthy alternative to the roid-based, mainstream bodybuilding world.

Thanks again to all our CPB Readers for your support, feedback, info, advice, participation (on CPB Blog), and great suggestions! It is greatly appreciated!

- CPB (Anthony)

P.S. If you would like a free, 1 year subscription to Classic Physique Builder (CPBzine) - a pdf zine patterned after the muscle mags of the pre-roid, Golden Age (of the 1940s and 50s), just send your name, the name of your city (not your address), state (or province), and country to That's it! Any info you share with us will be strictly confidential. We don't share info with anyone. So you won't get on any unwanted lists or receive automated email (even from us)!


  1. Wow i can´t wait till that mag is out, man. The content is fantastic.
    I was not surprised when i saw the "Zabo slim down diet" . A quote from Zabo: "The best way to never worry about getting into shape is to never get out of shape."
    You got love quotes like that, it burns it to your brain and stays there.

  2. Hi Ibrahim,

    Glad you like the content! Hopefully, the issue lives up to your expectations!

    The article on the Zabo "Stay Trim" diet is not really for major reducing, but is primarily geared for those who need to "trim down" a bit. It is basically one of the diets that he used to "stay trim".

    In future issues, we will publish diets for major reducing as well as for attaining classic definition.

    All the best,

    CPB (Anthony)
