Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Holiday Season to all Classic Physique Builders!

(Photo Above: Steve Reeves at 17 years of age - after about 1-2 years of training - a great inspiration to us all!)

Hi Everyone! Happy Holiday Season!

Just a short holiday message on Christmas Day 2009 - thanks to everyone who subscribed to CPBzine in 2009, participated in CPB Blog, CPBzine contributers, and to all CPB Blog Readers everywhere! Our numbers are growing and hopefully our message of natural, classic physique building will continue to reach a wider audience around the world!

Our next issue of Classic Physique Builder Zine (CPBzine) is scheduled to be released around Jan 15 2010 - so it will be the Winter 2010 issue (Vol 2, no 1). Everyone who subscribed to CPBzine in 2009 got all the 2009 issues. Although we said it was a 1 year, free subscription, we are extending it into 2010 (so there is no need for 2009 subscribers to renew your subscription). Those new subscribers who subscribe in 2010 will also get a free, 1 year subscription, but their subscription will begin with the Winter 2010 issue. We will make back issues available - but we will post an update about that when we get that worked out.

I will be taking a week break, beginning today and extending until Jan 2nd. I will be away from my computer, so feel free to continue to comment on any post, but the comments will probably not appear until Jan 2nd - when I return.

If you wish to subscribe to CPBzine before the New Year, please do so. If you subscribe in 2009, you will receive all the 2009 issues as well as the 2010 issues. I will process the subscriptions when I return on Jan 2, but your subscription will be entered based on the date of your email.

Again, thanks to everyone! It has been and continues to be a real pleasure to share a common interest in classic physique building with you all. It is my hope that more and more people turn away from roid-based bodybuilding and find natural, classic physique building as a healthy lifestyle. I think we've got a shot of making that come true - with your help!

All the best,

- CPB (Anthony)

P.S. If you would like a free, 1 year subscription to Classic Physique Builder Zine (CPBzine) - a pdf "zine" (do-it-yourself magazine) that is patterned after the muscle mags of the pre-roid Golden Age of Bodybuilding (the 1940s and 50s), just email your name, the name of your city (not your actual address), state/province, and country to That's it! Any info you send us is strictly confidential. We do not share info with anyone. So you will not get on any unwanted lists or receive any automated emails (even from us)!


  1. since we are beginning a New Year, maybe is the time to focus on the summer of 2010 - beleive me it will be here before we know it - I'm planning on focusing on 4 to 6 week programs doing what ever it takes with in reason to get beachbody ready 2010 summertime - I say set those goals that are reachable and go after them - Reading from most of you I'm sure their will be many success stories for this upcoming year on CPB - so Eye of the Tiger and go after it and get it, it is yours for the taking long as ya want it bad enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hi Anonymous,

    Great comment! Yes...the summer of 2010 is a great target to get closer to that goal of having a classic physique! Stay tuned for more posts!

    For all those that have subscribed to CPBzine (Classic Physique Builder Zine) over the last week, I'm back now from my trip and I will be processing your requests in the next few days. So just sit tight! - and thanks for your interest in CPB Blog and CPBzine!

    All the best,

    CPB (Anthony)

  3. 2010 is a year of strictly building for myself. Not looking for a beach body this year. Just putting on raw mass all year, and focusing on hitting some strength goals by January 1, 2011.

    Looking forward to this year, and all the challenges that I have set myself. My main forum where I keep my training log is small, but has a lot of dedicated people.

    I've laid out my goals and have have to make continous monthly improvements to meet my yearly goals. It's agressive but I would rather be agressive, and maybe fall short, than to aim small and not achieve all that I possibly could.

    Lift hard this year.
